
public struct Row : CustomStringConvertible

A Row exposed by a Cursor.

  • The values of the columns for this Row.



    public var columns: [PostgresValue]
  • Decodes this Row to create an instance of the specified type.

    The type specified must conform to the Decodable protocol. This method uses the column metadata provided by Cursor.columns to create a new instance of that type whose stored properties are set to the values of like-named columns. (To make this column metadata available, set retrieveColumnMetadata to true in calling Statement.execute(parameterValues:retrieveColumnMetadata:).)

    The supported property types are a superset of the types supported by PostgresValue:

    Type of stored property Conversion performed
    Bool postgresValue.bool()
    String postgresValue.string()
    Double postgresValue.double()
    Float Float(postgresValue.double())
    Int8 Int8(postgresValue.string())
    Int16 Int16(postgresValue.string())
    Int32 Int32(postgresValue.string())
    Int64 Int64(postgresValue.string())
    UInt UInt(postgresValue.string())
    UInt8 UInt8(postgresValue.string())
    UInt16 UInt16(postgresValue.string())
    UInt32 UInt32(postgresValue.string())
    UInt64 UInt64(postgresValue.string())
    PostgresByteA postgresValue.byteA()
    PostgresTimestampWithTimeZone postgresValue.timestampWithTimeZone()
    PostgresTimestamp postgresValue.timestamp()
    PostgresTime postgresValue.time()
    PostgresTimeWithTimeZone postgresValue.timeWithTimeZone()
    Date see below

    Foundation Date stored properties are decoded as follows:

    • postgresValue.timestampWithTimeZone().date, if successful;
    • otherwise postgresValue.timestamp().date(in: defaultTimeZone), if successful;
    • otherwise defaultTimeZone), if successful;
    • otherwise postgresValue.time().date(in: defaultTimeZone), if successful;
    • otherwise postgresValue.timeWithTimeZone().date, if successful

    (Instead of Date, consider using PostgresTimestampWithTimeZone, PostgresTimestamp, PostgresDate, PostgresTime, and PostgresTimeWithTimeZone whenever possible.)


    struct Weather: Decodable {
        let date: PostgresDate
        let city: String
        let temp_lo: Int
        let temp_hi: Int
        let prcp: Double?
    let connection: Connection = ...
    // Note that the columns must have the same names as the Weather
    // properties, but may be in a different order.
    let text = "SELECT city, temp_lo, temp_hi, prcp, date FROM weather;"
    let statement = try connection.prepareStatement(text: text)
    let cursor = try statement.execute(retrieveColumnMetadata: true)
    for row in cursor {
        let weather = try row.get().decodeByColumnName(Weather.self)


    PostgresError.columnMetadataNotAvailable if column metadata is not available; DecodingError if the operation otherwise fails



    public func decodeByColumnName<T: Decodable>(_ type: T.Type,
                                                 defaultTimeZone: TimeZone? = nil) throws -> T



    the type of instance to create


    the default time zone for certain conversions to Foundation Date (see above); if nil then the UTC time zone is used

    Return Value

    an instance of the specified type

  • Decodes this Row to create an instance of the specified type.

    The type specified must conform to the Decodable protocol. This method matches columns to stored properties based on decoding order: the first property decoded is assigned the value of columns[0], the second property is assigned the value of columns[1], and so on. By default, a Decodable type decodes its properties in declaration order. This default behavior can be overridden by providing implementations of the CodingKeys enum and the init(from:) initializer. Refer to Apple’s developer documentation for further information.

    The supported property types are a superset of the types supported by PostgresValue:

    Type of stored property Conversion performed
    Bool postgresValue.bool()
    String postgresValue.string()
    Double postgresValue.double()
    Float Float(postgresValue.double())
    Int8 Int8(postgresValue.string())
    Int16 Int16(postgresValue.string())
    Int32 Int32(postgresValue.string())
    Int64 Int64(postgresValue.string())
    UInt UInt(postgresValue.string())
    UInt8 UInt8(postgresValue.string())
    UInt16 UInt16(postgresValue.string())
    UInt32 UInt32(postgresValue.string())
    UInt64 UInt64(postgresValue.string())
    PostgresByteA postgresValue.byteA()
    PostgresTimestampWithTimeZone postgresValue.timestampWithTimeZone()
    PostgresTimestamp postgresValue.timestamp()
    PostgresTime postgresValue.time()
    PostgresTimeWithTimeZone postgresValue.timeWithTimeZone()
    Date see below

    Foundation Date stored properties are decoded as follows:

    • postgresValue.timestampWithTimeZone().date, if successful;
    • otherwise postgresValue.timestamp().date(in: defaultTimeZone), if successful;
    • otherwise defaultTimeZone), if successful;
    • otherwise postgresValue.time().date(in: defaultTimeZone), if successful;
    • otherwise postgresValue.timeWithTimeZone().date, if successful

    (Instead of Date, consider using PostgresTimestampWithTimeZone, PostgresTimestamp, PostgresDate, PostgresTime, and PostgresTimeWithTimeZone whenever possible.)


    struct Weather: Decodable {
        let city: String
        let lowestTemperature: Int
        let highestTemperature: Int
        let precipitation: Double?
        let date: PostgresDate
    let connection: Connection = ...
    // Notice that the columns must be in the same order as the Weather
    // properties, but may have different names.
    let text = "SELECT city, temp_lo, temp_hi, prcp, date FROM weather;"
    let statement = try connection.prepareStatement(text: text)
    let cursor = try statement.execute()
    for row in cursor {
        let weather = try row.get().decodeByColumnIndex(Weather.self)


    DecodingError if the operation fails



    public func decodeByColumnIndex<T: Decodable>(_ type: T.Type,
                                                  defaultTimeZone: TimeZone? = nil) throws -> T



    the type of instance to create


    the default time zone for certain conversions to Foundation Date (see above); if nil then the UTC time zone is used

    Return Value

    an instance of the specified type

  • A string representation of this Row.



    public var description: String { get }